The daily news concerns me greatly and I feel the need to make the people I care about aware of the truth. If you doubt me or don't agree with me, that is your prerogative, but please don't just disregard what I'm going to tell you. I know much of it sounds outlandish, but I assure you its very real. You can independently, and very easily, verify everything I say by looking it up for yourself with minimal effort.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that something is very wrong in our country and around the world. There are many reasons, and so much information, that its difficult to follow and comprehend it all. However, some very fine people have connected many of the dots, and the picture that is being painted can no longer be ignored. This isn't some conspiracy theory, because those can never be proven and are based on conjecture and here-say. No, I'm swimming in so much proof that I don't even know where to begin. I will provide what I can, you can make your own judgment.
Your life and the lives of those people you love are in jeopardy. This is not an exaggeration or a joke. Please, wake up, get concerned, get angry, and get prepared. Stop sitting around on the sidelines, ignoring the problem and watching sports, playing games, going out, reading, or whatever it is you do to pass the time so you don't have to think about the problems we all are now facing.
The world is not as it seems. You are being lied to.
If you'd like the short version, watch these films....its a start.
* America: Freedom to Fascism
* Endgame
* The Obama Deception
* Fall of the Republic
* The World According to Monsanto
* The Illuminati Project
* Spychips
* Reflections and Warnings
* Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers
* Loose Change
* 20 Minutes with the President
* The entire Understanding the End-time series. Read your Bible, love one another, and pray daily.
* The history of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and their pet groups: Illuminati, Bilderberg, Tri-Lateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, the Council on Foreign Relations, The UN, the World Health Organization, World Wildlife Fund, Population Council, Ford Foundation, World Bank/IMF, Exxon/BP/Shell, Enron, Merck, the Kinsey Institute (of child molestation), Planned Parenthood, American Eugenics Institute, Wilhelm Institute, JP Morgan-Chase, and Goldman-Sachs. The sites TheyRule and Muckety connect many of these people.
If you think the Illuminati isn't real, or a myth, George Washington even acknowledged them in his letters.
John Todd also had some interesting things to say about them, before he "disappeared."
The New World Order is their vision of the future. Its even on your money.
The long version (please click the links for video or article):
Forget the left/right, democratic/republican, conservative/liberal paradigms people like to identify or pigeon-hole each other with. Its all a sham. They are 2 wings of the same bird, flying in the same direction. They are both controlled opposition and used by the same group of elitist bankers. Bush, Clinton, and Obama have all continued the same policies regardless of their moniker.
Our government is corrupt and run by offshore bankers and elitists.
Obama has spent more than all other Presidents combined during his first year in office and shows no sign of slowing. Over 12 trillion dollars since the last report and promising more than 30 trillion. No thanks, you can keep the "change."
Bush tripled the size of government during his reign.
The military budget is more than all 50 states combined.
Debt Clock from Glenn Beck Show.
The Fed refuses to tell us where our money is going.
They are responsible for almost every major conflict in the last century via false flag attacks or lies.
*The Spanish American War, WW1, WW2 (with help from Rockefeller and IBM), Vietnam, Iraq, 9/11, Iran, Afghanistan, Rwanda, 7-7 London, Mumbai, Kosovo, Bolshevik Revolution
*MI5, CIA, Hitler, Mussolini, Bush, Ford, Operation Northwoods, Pearl Harbor, Al-Qaeda, Gladio, USS Liberty, USS Cole, Anthrax attack Communism, Alan Keyes, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dale Anderson, Sibel Edmonds, Michael Bowman, Governor Tom Ridge, Pol Pot,
Hal Turner, Timothy McVeigh, Kurt Haskell and flight 253, David Kelly, Common Purpose, Dean Haglan before 911
As if this wasn't already glaringly obvious, Osama bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) is/was a CIA asset and is now the "boogie man" used to perpetuate the "war on terror" and dissolve our constitutional freedoms and drag this country to ruin. Now he apparently isn't just mad at us for occupying his territory, but is now buds with Al Gore and has a climate change agenda too. What a joke. A really bad one.
They rig the so-called elections. Diebold and owners. Apparently they didn't appreciate Mike Connell's honesty.
They are now ruling by edict through corrupt judges, color of law and bureaucracy, rather than using our system of checks and balances. They no longer follow the Constitution and simply do what they want. It is unconstitutional for the government to control education, health care, travel and the hundreds of other aspects of our lives they infect. Here is a list of unaccountable, unelected "czars, or CAESARS" that will be shaping your future. Almost all of them state, in the books they've written and in interviews, that they are communist sympathizers and admire figures like Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Lenin. No, I'm not kidding.
They are trying to manipulate you with mind control. Even if it is ultimately ineffective, they are trying, nonetheless.
MK Ultra, HAARP and ELF, National Geographic CIA report
They own most, if not all of the mainstream media. Yes, that includes Fox news, which is owned by the globalist sympathizer Rupert Murdoch. Don't believe anything they say, or take it at face value. Unfortunately, everything must be read between the lines. The only exception to this is Judge Napolitano, who seems to be a genuine conservative.
*Ted Turner, George Soros, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, newspapers, tv ads. Why does a military contractor own media? I wonder.
*Glen Beck - Please watch out for this guy. I believe he's a pied piper. He covers lots of issues that are conservative and relevant, but when its time for a vote or bill, he tows the controlled party line. He was for the banker bail-out, then later against it when public opinion turned. He called Ron Paul a kook, then after the presidential election, he liked him. He denies the existence of FEMA camps, when our own government admits we have them for the REX 84 program. He is now trying to convince you that a value added tax is something we should do instead of decreasing the size of government and throwing these crooked bankers in jail. He thinks 911 truthers are going to attempt to assassinate Obama. Use at your own risk. That also goes for the likes of Rush Limbaugh, who can't go a single program without mentioning how great the republican party is and George Bush was, and Sean Hannity, who is a whinny neocon.
*O'Reilly is just a meathead.
Operation Mockingbird
They want to take away your right to free speech, censor the internet (like China, Jordan, and Australia) and ban dissent against the government. They want to possibly shut it down or require licenses as well.
They are attempting to use religion to sway and manipulate the public: Clergy Response Teams
They are intentionally drugging/killing you to downsize the population:
*Targeting and killing your unborn children: American Eugenics Institute, Planned Parenthood (Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates) legalized abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, CPS, Dyncorp, Blackwater, and support for abortion on demand in Africa and China.
Organ harvesting. Do you find it odd that we control the entire Haitian country, and the Prime minister is stating that organ harvesting is definitely going on? I do. I also find it odd that the army was conveniently doing a drill on this exact thing in Florida a day earlier.
Chicago hospital suspected of letting patients die to harvest organs.
Films shown to promote suicide.
*Vaccines: Hepatitis, H1N1 (they want it mandatory), polio, smallpox, HPV
*Engineered bio-weapons and military/public experimentation: AIDS, Agent Orange, Nerve Gas, SARS, NY Subway incident, Tuskegee incident, Iraq burn pits, ricin, sarin gas, Unit 731, list of US experiments, Norman Baker
*Water supply: flouride, Hitler and Stalin seemed to approve of flouride too, lithium, prozac, toxins (movies like A Civil Matter and Erin Brokovich were made about this kind of thing), Anniston, AL, the Potomac, The Hudson River and GE, Dayton, Ohio and Port Arthur, Texas,
*Food supply: GMO food, bacon, beef, soy, milk, corn, seeds, baby food, hamburgers, nitrates and nitrites, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, chemical additives, HFCS (which 50% of, contains mercury and is in a large percentage of the food you buy at the store), MSG, criminalization of the family farm and the take over by the global companies like Monsanto (which Donald Rumsfeld was associated with)
Watch or read: The World According to Monsanto, Food Inc, Milk: the Deadly Poison, Fast Food Nation, Super Size Me, Bananas, Not Milk
...with the ultimate goal of culling the population, sterilization and control. Sound incredible? Go read John P. Holdren's (the White House Science Czar) book Ecoscience, which talks about chem-trailing (KSLA News), forced abortion, and forced sterilization..
They are trying to institute Marshal Law (RBN News Report) and a control grid.
Hardin, MT Two Rivers Facility, Bright Eyes, FEMA takes guns, Blimps, Pittsburg G20, Highway Cameras with Automated License Plate Readers, Body Scanners, Brain Scanners, Tattle on your neighbor Programs, Free Speech Zones, unprecedented funding, RFID (CBS Report), Facebook, Google, power rationing, Yahoo, Project Echelon, Project Carnivore, Cell Phones, On-Star, EMD Bracelets, pizza places, robotic soldiers, NAFTA super highway, smart dust, truckers enlisted, DARPA projects, REX 84 Camps, GPS on YOUR house (drone attack maybe?) sponsored by our friends at IBM, PanaMax Training, NLE09, gun confiscation, Red List, tracking school kids, LRAD, American Community Survey, telecom companies, SAIC, Youth Corps and indoctrination, illegal checkpoints.
No more garage sales or baby-sitting.
FEMA Camps, instituted by the Rex 84 Program, Agenda 21, HR645 and others.
Trains ready for transport of human cattle. Where have we seen that before?
Hundreds of thousands of plastics coffins in Georgia
gas chambers underneath Denver International Airport with creepy murals, at no extra charge.
...and mass graves in Arizona, Indiana, Georgia, and Houston
The Army is hiring here if you're interested in helping them.
Conservatives, gun owners and free thinking people (especially Christians) are now suspicious: MIAC report, Information Czar's report, DHS report
Surveillance is only allowed when they do it.
They import and deal the drugs they are supposedly at war with.
Mena, Afghanistan, CIA planes, more planes, Gary Webb, Mike Rupert, Mark Lombardi, J.H. Hatfield, and Danny Casalaro, Air America
They are trying to control the weather. HAARP, China, Russia, UK and Australia, Hugo Chavez
They are not held accountable for the money they leech from us. They tax EVERYTHING and send it to private banks that loan it back to us with interest. They see you as a commodity.
There are you few beacons of hope out there, like Ron Paul. Have you thanked him today? He wrote End the Fed. You might also like The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.
They are preparing for the worst, and you are not included in their plans.
...they are godless
Obama covered the crosses at his Notre Dame speech, canceled Christmas, canceled prayer, but the prayers he does allow at the inauguration include those from a gay bishop. He keeps santeria charms on him and is continually praising Muslims. His father was also Muslim.
He proclaimed a gay pride month and openly endorsed their lifestyle. He appointed a czar affiliated with NAMBLA.
California public schools shown transgender videos.
Hillary Clinton - held seances on the White House roof.
Abraham Lincoln attended seances to speak to his son Willie.
George Bush - Attends Bohemian Grove and participates in mock sacrificial offerings to Molech, and is a member of Skull and Bones, (a very anti Christian group)
Obama's mother-in-law - practices Santeria. Judge Sotomayor approves.
Reagan and his wife never made decisions without consulting their astrologer.
Tony Blair - writhes on the floor in the morning and claims he's possessed by an angel of light. His wife is obviously pagan.
Sarkozy's cousin and minister of art (Mitterrand), dedicated the Louvre pyramid (which has 666 glass tiles) to Lucifer.
Many are members of secret societies.
They engage in extra marital affairs, sex with prostitutes and children.
They are playing Frankenstein: humans, human rats, spider-goats, jellyfish-pigs, salmon, fluorescent cats, 2 headed dogs and other freaks.
Washington has many pagan symbols and buildings.
Texe Marrs does an in-depth study of these things. He is a little "out there", but its interesting nonetheless.
...and they want total control.
They want a New World Order.
Georgia Guide Stones
IBM DNA ID system
Blood databases:CA, SC, Ohio, San Antonio, NY, FBI, Canada, UK, Arabs, Interpol. Did you know that they have a legal "right" to it?
Gene Patents
They engineered the economic collapse so they can unify the global economy and create a global currency.
They feign care for the environment that they polluted and misrepresent
They want to increase the nanny state, line their pockets and take public land. Farm Wars Article
They want to control your children.
Climategate, it doesn't matter that its totally phony...Obama is gonna do what he wants anyway.
Congressional mention by Dana Rorbacher R-CA, Michael Burgess R-TX, Ron Paul R-TX, and additional Ron Paul views
Stop depending on the State to provide for you and prepare yourself. Will you survive a "terrorist" attack, natural disaster or power outage? Are you going to be prepared or caught with your pants down and have to stand in a bread line?
Buy a back up generator or install solar panels.
Have a clean water source, if its city water, its polluted, or very easily could be.
Have an emergency food supply.
Have a way to defend your family.
Learn how to stay healthy without "big pharma."
Have a medical and emergency savings plan (invest in gold and trade-able items such as seeds, food and guns.)
Have an escape and communication plan.
Start locally. Vote and speak to your representatives. Vote for your Sheriff, he will be the one enforcing all this. Go to city council meetings and make them aware of this stuff. Attend town halls, before you can't. Call out these liars and cheats and expose them publicly.
Does Russia know something we don't?
Does Iran?
Does the CIA? Congressman Ron Paul thinks so.
The ultimate answer to all of this is God, and he is returning very soon. Bible prophecy indicates this very clearly. Many of you may be uncertain as to what you definitively believe, but its about time you figure it out. There is no more important subject in the world and it may cost you dearly.
I know I will offend some of you, but I'm not trying to offend anyone. I merely want to open your eyes. Many people are deceived and I would be remiss and uncaring if I didn't reveal the truth. Please take an honest look at what is presented, before you discount it.
You may have asked yourself "what kind of people could bring all of this about, and be THIS evil?", or "how could a good God allow this kind of thing?".....or how could I be so paranoid?
Well, all of this world's craziness isn't purely man's own doing. We fight against powers and principalities, (Ephesians 6:12) and God loves you and He has a plan to save those who have faith in Him.
Would you like to know the future? The Bible is the only reliable source of prophetic events. No other "religion" can claim what the Bible and Jesus claim. When you see these events unfolding.....get ready to meet Jesus.
Knowable signs of the end:
After the Gospel has reached the entire world, the end will come - (Matthew 24:14) - DONE
Reformation of Israel - 1948 - (Ezekiel 36:24) DONE
World War II - first and second trumpet (Revelation 8:8-9) DONE
Wormwood (Chernobyl in Ukrainian) - third trumpet (Revelation 8:10) DONE
Iraq War - (Revelation 9:1-15) DONE
Increasing state of homosexuality, as in the days of Sodom - Obama accepts gays openly. (Luke 17:26-30) - DONE
Falling away of the churches - (2 Timothy 4:3-4, see apostasy list) DONE
World War III emanating from the Euphrates river area (Turkey, Syria, Iran) where we currently have 130,000+ troops - the sixth trumpet (Revelation 9:14-16)
One world government formed - President of the EU announced this at the G20 in London (Daniel 7:23, Daniel 2:40-43) - DONE
One world religion formed - waiting (Revelation 13-15)
Peace agreement between Palestinians and Israel - Waiting (Daniel 9:27, Genesis 15:18)
3rd Temple built and animal sacrifices resumed - Waiting (Mark 13:14)
World leader stands in the temple claiming to be God and ends sacrifices - The Temple Institute is waiting to build it. (Daniel 9:27)
He forces people to either take his mark or perish by beheading - yikes (Revelation 13:16)
He kills the 2 prophets witnessing in the street, then they are resurrected 3 days later - waiting (Revelation 11:3-13)
The rapture - YEAH!!! (Matthew 24:29)
Armageddon and Christ's return to set up his kingdom - sweet (Zechariah 14:2, Revelation 16:16)
Forget about being raptured before Armageddon, that isn't what the Bible teaches. Go read it yourself.
Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24-27, Daniel 7:25, Revelation 20:4, Revelation 7:13, Revelation 15:2, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 4:16. They clearly state that Jesus gathers his elect AFTER the tribulation (Satan's wrath), but before Armageddon (God's wrath). If we're all raptured...who is he gathering when the angel shouts?...and who was beheaded?... and which saints are being persecuted for time, times and half a time (3.5 years of Satan's reign) for not taking "the mark" before Christ's return? Think about it.
The end-time time-line starts at the conformation of the covenant. It lasts 7 years. The anti-christ is revealed midway which begins the final 3.5 year tribulation and culminates at Christ's return at the battle of Armageddon.
Many people thought they lived in the end time, even his own disciples, but Jesus said specific knowledge would be sealed until the end, and then you'll understand. Jesus told us these things so that we may instruct many, be blessed through teaching prophecy, and not be caught unaware when he returns like a thief in the night to those that don't know Him. We are here to spread the word and be light and salt to the earth before Jesus' return. Get to it and be not afraid.
If you think being a Christian somehow means you have to not follow reason or science, then just consider these famous Christians:
Sir Isaac Newton - optics, mechanics, and mathematics
Michael Faraday - scientist
Galileo Galilei - astronomer
Robert Boyle - chemist and creator of "Boyle's law"
Nicholas Copernicus - astronomer
James Prescott Joule - Father of Thermodynamics
William Harvey - Surgeon to King James
Gregor Mendel - mathematician and geneticist
William Thomson Kelvin - physicist
Claude Bernard - founder of modern physiology
Leonardo DaVinci - Renaissance man
Max Planck - physicist responsible for quantum theory
Rene Descartes - mathematician, scientist and philosopher
Johannes Kepler - mathematician and astronomer
Sir Francis Bacon - philosopher and inventor of the "scientific method"
Stephen Meyer - author of Signature in the Cell
Donald Deyoung - author of Discovery of Design
Russell Blaylock - brain surgeon
Albert Einstein - he wasn't a christian, but is quoted as saying "I want to know how God created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details." Einstein's famous epithet on the "uncertainty principle" was "God does not play dice"
Glenrose, TX creation museum - man and dinosaur footprints found together.
Petersburg, KY creation museum
Webster's dictionary and the 1st schools in America were created to teach people how to read the Bible.
Find a good church and pastor, even if it has to be on the radio or internet. I recommend these, but always be diligent as to what you are fed. Jesus said even the elect will be deceived.
Irvin Baxter and Endtime Ministries
Charles Spurgeon
Adrian Rodgers
Chuck Swindoll
David Jeremiah
Charles Stanley
John MacArthur
Grant Jeffrey
Southwest Radio Ministries
John Piper
Wretched Radio
Peter Hammond
Todd Freil
Michael Youssef
Alistair Begg
Steve or Troy Smotherman
Preachers to watch out for (if its a big TV mega-church, its probably bad): That being said, I know everyone makes mistakes, because we are human, just be very careful of what you're being taught.
Paul and Jan Crouch - founders of TBN
Norman Vincent Peale
Benny Hinn
Joel Osteen, he believes Christ is not the only way.
Robert Schuller
Rick Warren - of Purpose Driven Life fame.
Pat Robertson
Creflo Dollar
Paula White
Bob Larson
Oral Roberts
Jesse Duplantis
TD Jakes
Jack Hayford
John Hagee
Billy Graham, he believes Christ is not the only way.
Kenneth Copeland
Rob Bell
Joyce Meyer
Mark Driscoll - I Like this man, but his appearance at Rick Warren, and Robert Schuller's churches, and his admiration of Joel Osteen now make him suspect in my book. He also is credited with promoting a racy website that is mentioned here. Please come back Mark.
Oprah....I only mention her because she is so popular, and she is always spouting new age nonsense.
Follow the Bible, not a religion. Beware of false Christs, apostate churches, new movements with names like Interfaithism, Universalism, Prosperity/"Name-it and Claim-it", Word of Faith, Emergent, Neo-Evangelicanism and Charismatic. Christ warned us of these things.
Apostate Churches:
Catholics, you unfortunately get your own section.
Catholicism is the "Great Whore Who Sits on Many Waters" and is in the city that sits on 7 hills (Rome) mentioned in prophecy.
The Inquisition is responsible for the death of millions of Christians.
The church made a pact with Hitler during the World War.
America was formed because of protestants escaping catholic rule.
The Jesuits are responsible for hundreds of child molestations.
The Jesuits fabricated "relics" to advance their cause. They killed Tyndale for translating the Bible into english, so the common people could read it, which was forbidden by the catholic church. Pope John Paul II seemed to approve of this.
The Pope IS, in fact, fallible. He is a man, not God. He also says that Christians and Muslims serve the same God. That is heresy, as is re-sacrificing Jesus at the Eucharist, repetitive prayer (like the rosary), and praying to the saints and the virgin Mary. The Bible says nothing about confession of sins to a priest in the New Testament, or purgatory or many of the other lies told by the catholic church.
The false prophet will be the pope during the reign of the anti-christ. Even St. Malachy, a revered catholic, believes this.
Jesus is the only one you should be praying to. He died for your sins and faith in Him is the ONLY way to heaven. (“I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6)
Chris Pinto's movie, A Lamp in the Dark, is a nice little film revealing some of this.
Works based and false religions:
Mormon - the Bible says you can't "earn" your way to heaven, though these guys try really hard.
Jehovah's Witness
Wicca. and an additional perspective.
Gaia (Mother Earth) Worship, which is popular in UN circles.
The Masons - many low level masons are entirely unaware of the occultism of this organization when they join, but it is definitely not christian.
I think Islam deserves its own section too.
Allah is not the God of Israel. Islam denies the trinity.
Does not believe in the deity of Christ.
Worship a moon god.
Perpetrated every suicide bomb in the last century. This is not a religion of peace.
refer to Cults and Isms by Alan and Pat Franklin
Prince Charles
Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (about half way down in the story)
False Prophet?
111th Pope
Lord Maitreya
2012 - just something to throw out there and think about.
DIA, does the government know something we don't?
Mayans, and more Mayans
Edgar Cayce
Black Elk
The White Buffalo
Here is a list of media/personalities I recommend you look into:
The Good:
Chris Pinto
John Coleman
Ron Paul
Norman Baker
Alex Jones
Katherine Albrecht
Sherri Tenpenny
Catherine Austin Fitts
Aaron Russo
Charlotte Iserbyt
Russell Blaylock
Bill Federer
John Perkins
G. Edward Griffin
Mike Moreno
Nigel Faraj
Lord Monckton
Wayne Madsen
911Truth, and AE911 Truth
Canada Free Press
Alan Watt
Information Clearing House
Chuck Baldwin
Godfrey Bloom
Bad Omens:
George Orwell - 1984
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
Saul Alinsky - Rules for Radicals
Karl Marx - Communist Manifesto
Mikhail Gorbachev - Perestroika
Nikita Khrushchev
John Holdren - Ecoscience
Galton and Thomas Malthus
Niccolo Machiavelli
Please wake up before we all live in a "brave new world"......
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that something is very wrong in our country and around the world. There are many reasons, and so much information, that its difficult to follow and comprehend it all. However, some very fine people have connected many of the dots, and the picture that is being painted can no longer be ignored. This isn't some conspiracy theory, because those can never be proven and are based on conjecture and here-say. No, I'm swimming in so much proof that I don't even know where to begin. I will provide what I can, you can make your own judgment.
Your life and the lives of those people you love are in jeopardy. This is not an exaggeration or a joke. Please, wake up, get concerned, get angry, and get prepared. Stop sitting around on the sidelines, ignoring the problem and watching sports, playing games, going out, reading, or whatever it is you do to pass the time so you don't have to think about the problems we all are now facing.
The world is not as it seems. You are being lied to.
If you'd like the short version, watch these films....its a start.
* America: Freedom to Fascism
* Endgame
* The Obama Deception
* Fall of the Republic
* The World According to Monsanto
* The Illuminati Project
* Spychips
* Reflections and Warnings
* Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers
* Loose Change
* 20 Minutes with the President
* The entire Understanding the End-time series. Read your Bible, love one another, and pray daily.
* The history of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and their pet groups: Illuminati, Bilderberg, Tri-Lateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, the Council on Foreign Relations, The UN, the World Health Organization, World Wildlife Fund, Population Council, Ford Foundation, World Bank/IMF, Exxon/BP/Shell, Enron, Merck, the Kinsey Institute (of child molestation), Planned Parenthood, American Eugenics Institute, Wilhelm Institute, JP Morgan-Chase, and Goldman-Sachs. The sites TheyRule and Muckety connect many of these people.
If you think the Illuminati isn't real, or a myth, George Washington even acknowledged them in his letters.
John Todd also had some interesting things to say about them, before he "disappeared."
The New World Order is their vision of the future. Its even on your money.
The long version (please click the links for video or article):
Forget the left/right, democratic/republican, conservative/liberal paradigms people like to identify or pigeon-hole each other with. Its all a sham. They are 2 wings of the same bird, flying in the same direction. They are both controlled opposition and used by the same group of elitist bankers. Bush, Clinton, and Obama have all continued the same policies regardless of their moniker.
Our government is corrupt and run by offshore bankers and elitists.
Obama has spent more than all other Presidents combined during his first year in office and shows no sign of slowing. Over 12 trillion dollars since the last report and promising more than 30 trillion. No thanks, you can keep the "change."
Bush tripled the size of government during his reign.
The military budget is more than all 50 states combined.
Debt Clock from Glenn Beck Show.
The Fed refuses to tell us where our money is going.
They are responsible for almost every major conflict in the last century via false flag attacks or lies.
*The Spanish American War, WW1, WW2 (with help from Rockefeller and IBM), Vietnam, Iraq, 9/11, Iran, Afghanistan, Rwanda, 7-7 London, Mumbai, Kosovo, Bolshevik Revolution
*MI5, CIA, Hitler, Mussolini, Bush, Ford, Operation Northwoods, Pearl Harbor, Al-Qaeda, Gladio, USS Liberty, USS Cole, Anthrax attack Communism, Alan Keyes, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dale Anderson, Sibel Edmonds, Michael Bowman, Governor Tom Ridge, Pol Pot,
Hal Turner, Timothy McVeigh, Kurt Haskell and flight 253, David Kelly, Common Purpose, Dean Haglan before 911
As if this wasn't already glaringly obvious, Osama bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) is/was a CIA asset and is now the "boogie man" used to perpetuate the "war on terror" and dissolve our constitutional freedoms and drag this country to ruin. Now he apparently isn't just mad at us for occupying his territory, but is now buds with Al Gore and has a climate change agenda too. What a joke. A really bad one.
They rig the so-called elections. Diebold and owners. Apparently they didn't appreciate Mike Connell's honesty.
They are now ruling by edict through corrupt judges, color of law and bureaucracy, rather than using our system of checks and balances. They no longer follow the Constitution and simply do what they want. It is unconstitutional for the government to control education, health care, travel and the hundreds of other aspects of our lives they infect. Here is a list of unaccountable, unelected "czars, or CAESARS" that will be shaping your future. Almost all of them state, in the books they've written and in interviews, that they are communist sympathizers and admire figures like Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Lenin. No, I'm not kidding.
They are trying to manipulate you with mind control. Even if it is ultimately ineffective, they are trying, nonetheless.
MK Ultra, HAARP and ELF, National Geographic CIA report
They own most, if not all of the mainstream media. Yes, that includes Fox news, which is owned by the globalist sympathizer Rupert Murdoch. Don't believe anything they say, or take it at face value. Unfortunately, everything must be read between the lines. The only exception to this is Judge Napolitano, who seems to be a genuine conservative.
*Ted Turner, George Soros, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, newspapers, tv ads. Why does a military contractor own media? I wonder.
*Glen Beck - Please watch out for this guy. I believe he's a pied piper. He covers lots of issues that are conservative and relevant, but when its time for a vote or bill, he tows the controlled party line. He was for the banker bail-out, then later against it when public opinion turned. He called Ron Paul a kook, then after the presidential election, he liked him. He denies the existence of FEMA camps, when our own government admits we have them for the REX 84 program. He is now trying to convince you that a value added tax is something we should do instead of decreasing the size of government and throwing these crooked bankers in jail. He thinks 911 truthers are going to attempt to assassinate Obama. Use at your own risk. That also goes for the likes of Rush Limbaugh, who can't go a single program without mentioning how great the republican party is and George Bush was, and Sean Hannity, who is a whinny neocon.
*O'Reilly is just a meathead.
Operation Mockingbird
They want to take away your right to free speech, censor the internet (like China, Jordan, and Australia) and ban dissent against the government. They want to possibly shut it down or require licenses as well.
They are attempting to use religion to sway and manipulate the public: Clergy Response Teams
They are intentionally drugging/killing you to downsize the population:
*Targeting and killing your unborn children: American Eugenics Institute, Planned Parenthood (Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates) legalized abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, CPS, Dyncorp, Blackwater, and support for abortion on demand in Africa and China.
Organ harvesting. Do you find it odd that we control the entire Haitian country, and the Prime minister is stating that organ harvesting is definitely going on? I do. I also find it odd that the army was conveniently doing a drill on this exact thing in Florida a day earlier.
Chicago hospital suspected of letting patients die to harvest organs.
Films shown to promote suicide.
*Vaccines: Hepatitis, H1N1 (they want it mandatory), polio, smallpox, HPV
*Engineered bio-weapons and military/public experimentation: AIDS, Agent Orange, Nerve Gas, SARS, NY Subway incident, Tuskegee incident, Iraq burn pits, ricin, sarin gas, Unit 731, list of US experiments, Norman Baker
*Water supply: flouride, Hitler and Stalin seemed to approve of flouride too, lithium, prozac, toxins (movies like A Civil Matter and Erin Brokovich were made about this kind of thing), Anniston, AL, the Potomac, The Hudson River and GE, Dayton, Ohio and Port Arthur, Texas,
*Food supply: GMO food, bacon, beef, soy, milk, corn, seeds, baby food, hamburgers, nitrates and nitrites, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, chemical additives, HFCS (which 50% of, contains mercury and is in a large percentage of the food you buy at the store), MSG, criminalization of the family farm and the take over by the global companies like Monsanto (which Donald Rumsfeld was associated with)
Watch or read: The World According to Monsanto, Food Inc, Milk: the Deadly Poison, Fast Food Nation, Super Size Me, Bananas, Not Milk
...with the ultimate goal of culling the population, sterilization and control. Sound incredible? Go read John P. Holdren's (the White House Science Czar) book Ecoscience, which talks about chem-trailing (KSLA News), forced abortion, and forced sterilization..
They are trying to institute Marshal Law (RBN News Report) and a control grid.
Hardin, MT Two Rivers Facility, Bright Eyes, FEMA takes guns, Blimps, Pittsburg G20, Highway Cameras with Automated License Plate Readers, Body Scanners, Brain Scanners, Tattle on your neighbor Programs, Free Speech Zones, unprecedented funding, RFID (CBS Report), Facebook, Google, power rationing, Yahoo, Project Echelon, Project Carnivore, Cell Phones, On-Star, EMD Bracelets, pizza places, robotic soldiers, NAFTA super highway, smart dust, truckers enlisted, DARPA projects, REX 84 Camps, GPS on YOUR house (drone attack maybe?) sponsored by our friends at IBM, PanaMax Training, NLE09, gun confiscation, Red List, tracking school kids, LRAD, American Community Survey, telecom companies, SAIC, Youth Corps and indoctrination, illegal checkpoints.
No more garage sales or baby-sitting.
FEMA Camps, instituted by the Rex 84 Program, Agenda 21, HR645 and others.
Trains ready for transport of human cattle. Where have we seen that before?
Hundreds of thousands of plastics coffins in Georgia
gas chambers underneath Denver International Airport with creepy murals, at no extra charge.
...and mass graves in Arizona, Indiana, Georgia, and Houston
The Army is hiring here if you're interested in helping them.
Conservatives, gun owners and free thinking people (especially Christians) are now suspicious: MIAC report, Information Czar's report, DHS report
Surveillance is only allowed when they do it.
They import and deal the drugs they are supposedly at war with.
Mena, Afghanistan, CIA planes, more planes, Gary Webb, Mike Rupert, Mark Lombardi, J.H. Hatfield, and Danny Casalaro, Air America
They are trying to control the weather. HAARP, China, Russia, UK and Australia, Hugo Chavez
They are not held accountable for the money they leech from us. They tax EVERYTHING and send it to private banks that loan it back to us with interest. They see you as a commodity.
There are you few beacons of hope out there, like Ron Paul. Have you thanked him today? He wrote End the Fed. You might also like The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.
They are preparing for the worst, and you are not included in their plans.
...they are godless
Obama covered the crosses at his Notre Dame speech, canceled Christmas, canceled prayer, but the prayers he does allow at the inauguration include those from a gay bishop. He keeps santeria charms on him and is continually praising Muslims. His father was also Muslim.
He proclaimed a gay pride month and openly endorsed their lifestyle. He appointed a czar affiliated with NAMBLA.
California public schools shown transgender videos.
Hillary Clinton - held seances on the White House roof.
Abraham Lincoln attended seances to speak to his son Willie.
George Bush - Attends Bohemian Grove and participates in mock sacrificial offerings to Molech, and is a member of Skull and Bones, (a very anti Christian group)
Obama's mother-in-law - practices Santeria. Judge Sotomayor approves.
Reagan and his wife never made decisions without consulting their astrologer.
Tony Blair - writhes on the floor in the morning and claims he's possessed by an angel of light. His wife is obviously pagan.
Sarkozy's cousin and minister of art (Mitterrand), dedicated the Louvre pyramid (which has 666 glass tiles) to Lucifer.
Many are members of secret societies.
They engage in extra marital affairs, sex with prostitutes and children.
They are playing Frankenstein: humans, human rats, spider-goats, jellyfish-pigs, salmon, fluorescent cats, 2 headed dogs and other freaks.
Washington has many pagan symbols and buildings.
Texe Marrs does an in-depth study of these things. He is a little "out there", but its interesting nonetheless.
...and they want total control.
They want a New World Order.
Georgia Guide Stones
IBM DNA ID system
Blood databases:CA, SC, Ohio, San Antonio, NY, FBI, Canada, UK, Arabs, Interpol. Did you know that they have a legal "right" to it?
Gene Patents
They engineered the economic collapse so they can unify the global economy and create a global currency.
They feign care for the environment that they polluted and misrepresent
They want to increase the nanny state, line their pockets and take public land. Farm Wars Article
They want to control your children.
Climategate, it doesn't matter that its totally phony...Obama is gonna do what he wants anyway.
Congressional mention by Dana Rorbacher R-CA, Michael Burgess R-TX, Ron Paul R-TX, and additional Ron Paul views
Stop depending on the State to provide for you and prepare yourself. Will you survive a "terrorist" attack, natural disaster or power outage? Are you going to be prepared or caught with your pants down and have to stand in a bread line?
Buy a back up generator or install solar panels.
Have a clean water source, if its city water, its polluted, or very easily could be.
Have an emergency food supply.
Have a way to defend your family.
Learn how to stay healthy without "big pharma."
Have a medical and emergency savings plan (invest in gold and trade-able items such as seeds, food and guns.)
Have an escape and communication plan.
Start locally. Vote and speak to your representatives. Vote for your Sheriff, he will be the one enforcing all this. Go to city council meetings and make them aware of this stuff. Attend town halls, before you can't. Call out these liars and cheats and expose them publicly.
Does Russia know something we don't?
Does Iran?
Does the CIA? Congressman Ron Paul thinks so.
The ultimate answer to all of this is God, and he is returning very soon. Bible prophecy indicates this very clearly. Many of you may be uncertain as to what you definitively believe, but its about time you figure it out. There is no more important subject in the world and it may cost you dearly.
I know I will offend some of you, but I'm not trying to offend anyone. I merely want to open your eyes. Many people are deceived and I would be remiss and uncaring if I didn't reveal the truth. Please take an honest look at what is presented, before you discount it.
You may have asked yourself "what kind of people could bring all of this about, and be THIS evil?", or "how could a good God allow this kind of thing?".....or how could I be so paranoid?
Well, all of this world's craziness isn't purely man's own doing. We fight against powers and principalities, (Ephesians 6:12) and God loves you and He has a plan to save those who have faith in Him.
Would you like to know the future? The Bible is the only reliable source of prophetic events. No other "religion" can claim what the Bible and Jesus claim. When you see these events unfolding.....get ready to meet Jesus.
Knowable signs of the end:
After the Gospel has reached the entire world, the end will come - (Matthew 24:14) - DONE
Reformation of Israel - 1948 - (Ezekiel 36:24) DONE
World War II - first and second trumpet (Revelation 8:8-9) DONE
Wormwood (Chernobyl in Ukrainian) - third trumpet (Revelation 8:10) DONE
Iraq War - (Revelation 9:1-15) DONE
Increasing state of homosexuality, as in the days of Sodom - Obama accepts gays openly. (Luke 17:26-30) - DONE
Falling away of the churches - (2 Timothy 4:3-4, see apostasy list) DONE
World War III emanating from the Euphrates river area (Turkey, Syria, Iran) where we currently have 130,000+ troops - the sixth trumpet (Revelation 9:14-16)
One world government formed - President of the EU announced this at the G20 in London (Daniel 7:23, Daniel 2:40-43) - DONE
One world religion formed - waiting (Revelation 13-15)
Peace agreement between Palestinians and Israel - Waiting (Daniel 9:27, Genesis 15:18)
3rd Temple built and animal sacrifices resumed - Waiting (Mark 13:14)
World leader stands in the temple claiming to be God and ends sacrifices - The Temple Institute is waiting to build it. (Daniel 9:27)
He forces people to either take his mark or perish by beheading - yikes (Revelation 13:16)
He kills the 2 prophets witnessing in the street, then they are resurrected 3 days later - waiting (Revelation 11:3-13)
The rapture - YEAH!!! (Matthew 24:29)
Armageddon and Christ's return to set up his kingdom - sweet (Zechariah 14:2, Revelation 16:16)
Forget about being raptured before Armageddon, that isn't what the Bible teaches. Go read it yourself.
Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24-27, Daniel 7:25, Revelation 20:4, Revelation 7:13, Revelation 15:2, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 4:16. They clearly state that Jesus gathers his elect AFTER the tribulation (Satan's wrath), but before Armageddon (God's wrath). If we're all raptured...who is he gathering when the angel shouts?...and who was beheaded?... and which saints are being persecuted for time, times and half a time (3.5 years of Satan's reign) for not taking "the mark" before Christ's return? Think about it.
The end-time time-line starts at the conformation of the covenant. It lasts 7 years. The anti-christ is revealed midway which begins the final 3.5 year tribulation and culminates at Christ's return at the battle of Armageddon.
Many people thought they lived in the end time, even his own disciples, but Jesus said specific knowledge would be sealed until the end, and then you'll understand. Jesus told us these things so that we may instruct many, be blessed through teaching prophecy, and not be caught unaware when he returns like a thief in the night to those that don't know Him. We are here to spread the word and be light and salt to the earth before Jesus' return. Get to it and be not afraid.
If you think being a Christian somehow means you have to not follow reason or science, then just consider these famous Christians:
Sir Isaac Newton - optics, mechanics, and mathematics
Michael Faraday - scientist
Galileo Galilei - astronomer
Robert Boyle - chemist and creator of "Boyle's law"
Nicholas Copernicus - astronomer
James Prescott Joule - Father of Thermodynamics
William Harvey - Surgeon to King James
Gregor Mendel - mathematician and geneticist
William Thomson Kelvin - physicist
Claude Bernard - founder of modern physiology
Leonardo DaVinci - Renaissance man
Max Planck - physicist responsible for quantum theory
Rene Descartes - mathematician, scientist and philosopher
Johannes Kepler - mathematician and astronomer
Sir Francis Bacon - philosopher and inventor of the "scientific method"
Stephen Meyer - author of Signature in the Cell
Donald Deyoung - author of Discovery of Design
Russell Blaylock - brain surgeon
Albert Einstein - he wasn't a christian, but is quoted as saying "I want to know how God created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details." Einstein's famous epithet on the "uncertainty principle" was "God does not play dice"
Glenrose, TX creation museum - man and dinosaur footprints found together.
Petersburg, KY creation museum
Webster's dictionary and the 1st schools in America were created to teach people how to read the Bible.
Find a good church and pastor, even if it has to be on the radio or internet. I recommend these, but always be diligent as to what you are fed. Jesus said even the elect will be deceived.
Irvin Baxter and Endtime Ministries
Charles Spurgeon
Adrian Rodgers
Chuck Swindoll
David Jeremiah
Charles Stanley
John MacArthur
Grant Jeffrey
Southwest Radio Ministries
John Piper
Wretched Radio
Peter Hammond
Todd Freil
Michael Youssef
Alistair Begg
Steve or Troy Smotherman
Preachers to watch out for (if its a big TV mega-church, its probably bad): That being said, I know everyone makes mistakes, because we are human, just be very careful of what you're being taught.
Paul and Jan Crouch - founders of TBN
Norman Vincent Peale
Benny Hinn
Joel Osteen, he believes Christ is not the only way.
Robert Schuller
Rick Warren - of Purpose Driven Life fame.
Pat Robertson
Creflo Dollar
Paula White
Bob Larson
Oral Roberts
Jesse Duplantis
TD Jakes
Jack Hayford
John Hagee
Billy Graham, he believes Christ is not the only way.
Kenneth Copeland
Rob Bell
Joyce Meyer
Mark Driscoll - I Like this man, but his appearance at Rick Warren, and Robert Schuller's churches, and his admiration of Joel Osteen now make him suspect in my book. He also is credited with promoting a racy website that is mentioned here. Please come back Mark.
Oprah....I only mention her because she is so popular, and she is always spouting new age nonsense.
Follow the Bible, not a religion. Beware of false Christs, apostate churches, new movements with names like Interfaithism, Universalism, Prosperity/"Name-it and Claim-it", Word of Faith, Emergent, Neo-Evangelicanism and Charismatic. Christ warned us of these things.
Apostate Churches:
Catholics, you unfortunately get your own section.
Catholicism is the "Great Whore Who Sits on Many Waters" and is in the city that sits on 7 hills (Rome) mentioned in prophecy.
The Inquisition is responsible for the death of millions of Christians.
The church made a pact with Hitler during the World War.
America was formed because of protestants escaping catholic rule.
The Jesuits are responsible for hundreds of child molestations.
The Jesuits fabricated "relics" to advance their cause. They killed Tyndale for translating the Bible into english, so the common people could read it, which was forbidden by the catholic church. Pope John Paul II seemed to approve of this.
The Pope IS, in fact, fallible. He is a man, not God. He also says that Christians and Muslims serve the same God. That is heresy, as is re-sacrificing Jesus at the Eucharist, repetitive prayer (like the rosary), and praying to the saints and the virgin Mary. The Bible says nothing about confession of sins to a priest in the New Testament, or purgatory or many of the other lies told by the catholic church.
The false prophet will be the pope during the reign of the anti-christ. Even St. Malachy, a revered catholic, believes this.
Jesus is the only one you should be praying to. He died for your sins and faith in Him is the ONLY way to heaven. (“I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6)
Chris Pinto's movie, A Lamp in the Dark, is a nice little film revealing some of this.
Works based and false religions:
Mormon - the Bible says you can't "earn" your way to heaven, though these guys try really hard.
Jehovah's Witness
Wicca. and an additional perspective.
Gaia (Mother Earth) Worship, which is popular in UN circles.
The Masons - many low level masons are entirely unaware of the occultism of this organization when they join, but it is definitely not christian.
I think Islam deserves its own section too.
Allah is not the God of Israel. Islam denies the trinity.
Does not believe in the deity of Christ.
Worship a moon god.
Perpetrated every suicide bomb in the last century. This is not a religion of peace.
refer to Cults and Isms by Alan and Pat Franklin
Prince Charles
Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (about half way down in the story)
False Prophet?
111th Pope
Lord Maitreya
2012 - just something to throw out there and think about.
DIA, does the government know something we don't?
Mayans, and more Mayans
Edgar Cayce
Black Elk
The White Buffalo
Here is a list of media/personalities I recommend you look into:
The Good:
Chris Pinto
John Coleman
Ron Paul
Norman Baker
Alex Jones
Katherine Albrecht
Sherri Tenpenny
Catherine Austin Fitts
Aaron Russo
Charlotte Iserbyt
Russell Blaylock
Bill Federer
John Perkins
G. Edward Griffin
Mike Moreno
Nigel Faraj
Lord Monckton
Wayne Madsen
911Truth, and AE911 Truth
Canada Free Press
Alan Watt
Information Clearing House
Chuck Baldwin
Godfrey Bloom
Bad Omens:
George Orwell - 1984
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
Saul Alinsky - Rules for Radicals
Karl Marx - Communist Manifesto
Mikhail Gorbachev - Perestroika
Nikita Khrushchev
John Holdren - Ecoscience
Galton and Thomas Malthus
Niccolo Machiavelli
Please wake up before we all live in a "brave new world"......
John MacArthur & Pretrib Rapture
ReplyDeleteWho knows, maybe John (Reformedispy) MacArthur is right and the greatest Greek scholars (Google "Famous Rapture Watchers"), who uniformly said that Rev. 3:10 means PRESERVATION THROUGH, were wrong. But John has a conflict. On the one hand, since he knows that all Christian theology and organized churches before 1830 believed the church would be on earth during the tribulation, he would like to be seen as one who stands with the great Reformers. On the other hand, if John has a warehouse of unsold pretrib rapture material, and if he wants to have "security" for his retirement years and hopes that the big California quake won't louse up his plans, he has a decided conflict of interest. Maybe the Lord will have to help strip off the layers of his seared conscience which have grown for years in order to please his parents and his supporters - who knows? One thing is for sure: pretrib is truly a house of cards and is so fragile that if a person removes just one card from the TOP of the pile, the whole thing can collapse. Which is why pretrib teachers don't dare to even suggest they could be wrong on even one little subpoint! Don't you feel sorry for the straitjacket they are in? While you're mulling all this over, Google "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" for a rare behind-the-scenes look at the same 180-year-old fantasy.